

Let N steps of equal length be taken along a line. Let p be the probability of taking a step to the right, q the probability of taking a step to the left, n_1 the number of steps taken to the right, and n_2 the number of steps taken to the left. The quantities p, q, n_1, n_2, and N are related by




Now examine the probability of taking exactly n_1 steps out of N to the right. There are (N; n_1)=(n_1+n_2; n_1) ways of taking n_1 steps to the right and n_2 to the left, where (n; m) is a binomial coefficient. The probability of taking a particular ordered sequence of n_1 and n_2 steps is p^(n_1)q^(n_2). Therefore,


where n! is a factorial. But this is simply a binomial distribution, so the mean number of steps n_1 to the right is


and the mean number of steps to the left is


Similarly, the variance is given by


and the root-mean-square deviation is


Consider now the distribution of the distances d_N traveled after a given number of steps,


as opposed to the number of steps in a given direction. The above plots show d_N(p) for N=200 and three values p=0.1, p=0.5, and p=0.9, respectively. Clearly, weighting the steps toward one direction or the other influences the overall trend, but there is still a great deal of random scatter, as emphasized by the plot below, which shows three random walks all with p=0.5.


Surprisingly, the most probable number of sign changes in a walk is 0, followed by 1, then 2, etc.

For a random walk with p=1/2, the probability P_N(d) of traveling a given distance d after N steps is given in the following table.


In this table, subsequent rows are found by adding half of each cell in a given row to each of the two cells diagonally below it. In fact, it is simply Pascal's triangle padded with intervening zeros and with each row multiplied by an additional factor of 1/2. The coefficients in this triangle are given by

 P_N(d)=1/(2^N)(N; (d+N)/2)

(Papoulis 1984, p. 291). The moments


of this distribution of signed distances are then given by


so the mean is mu=0, the skewness is gamma_1=0, and the kurtosis excess is


The expectation value of the absolute distance after N steps is therefore given by


This sum can be done symbolically by separately considering the cases N even and N odd. First, consider even N so that N=2J. Then

<d_(2J)>=(N!)/(2^N)[sum_(d=-2J,; -2(J-1),...)^(-2)(|d|)/(((2J+d)/2)!((2J-d)/2)!)+0+sum_(d=2,4,...)^(2J)(|d|)/(((2J+d)/2)!((2J-d)/2)!)]

But this sum can be evaluated analytically as


Writing J=N/2, plugging back in, and simplifying gives

 <d_(N even)>=2/(sqrt(pi))(Gamma(1/2+1/2N))/(Gamma(1/2N))=((N-1)!!)/((N-2)!!),

where N!! is the double factorial.

Now consider N odd, so N=2J-1. Then

<d_(N odd)>=<d_(2J-1)>
=(N!)/(2^N)[sum_(d=-(2J-1),; -(2J+1),...)^(-1)(|d|)/(((2J-1+d)/2)!((2J-1-d)/2)!)+sum_(d=1,3,...)^(2J-1)(|d|)/(((2J-1+d)/2)!((2J-1-d)/2)!)]

But this sum can be evaluated analytically as


Writing J=(N+1)/2, plugging back in, and simplifying gives

<d_(N odd)>=(N!)/(2^(N-1)[Gamma(1/2+1/2N)]^2)

Both the even and odd solutions can be written in terms of J as


or explicitly in terms of N as

<d_N>=2^(1-n)[n/2](n; [n/2])
={((N-1)!!)/((N-2)!!) for N even; (N!!)/((N-1)!!) for N odd.

The first few values of <d_N> for N=0, 1, ... are therefore 0, 1, 1, 3/2, 3/2, 15/8, 15/8, 35/16, 35/16, ... (OEIS A086116 and A060818; Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, Prévost 1933, Hughes 1995), where the terms of each pair are given by the generating function


These numbers also arise in the heads-minus-tails distribution.

Now, examine the asymptotic behavior of <d_N>. The asymptotic expansion of the gamma function ratio is


(Graham et al. 1994), so plugging in the expression for <d_N> gives the asymptotic series


where the top signs are taken for N even and the bottom signs for N odd. Therefore, for large N,


which is also shown by Grünbaum (1960), Mosteller et al. (1961, p. 14), and König et al. (1999).

Tóth (2000) 已经证明,在一个步长为单位长度的简单对称一维随机游走中,最多有三个访问次数最多的位置。


二项分布, 卡塔兰数, 正面减去反面分布, p-优良路径, 波利亚随机游走常数, 随机游走--二维, 随机游走--三维, 自回避游走, 维纳过程

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Random Walk--1-Dimensional." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.net.cn/RandomWalk1-Dimensional.html
