

一种表面上自相矛盾或与预期相反的陈述,也称为二律背反。 Curry(1977,第 5 页)使用术语伪悖论来描述一种表面上的悖论,但实际上并没有潜在的矛盾。 伯特兰·罗素将已知的逻辑悖论分为七类。

Ball 和 Coxeter(1987)给出了几个几何悖论的例子。


阿拉斯悖论, 亚里士多德轮子悖论, 阿罗悖论, 巴拿赫-塔斯基悖论, 理发师悖论, 伯努利悖论, 贝里悖论, 贝特朗悖论, 瓶中小鬼悖论, 布霍夫斯基悖论, 布拉利-福尔蒂悖论, 康托尔悖论, 目录悖论, 海岸线悖论, 硬币悖论, 电梯悖论, 埃庇米尼得斯悖论, 欧布里德悖论, 格雷林悖论, 豪斯多夫悖论, 亨普尔悖论, 超博弈, 达芬奇悖论, 说谎者悖论, 土豆悖论, 伪悖论, 理查德悖论, 罗素悖论, 圣彼得堡悖论, 西格尔悖论, 辛普森悖论, 斯科伦悖论, 斯马兰达什悖论, 苏格拉底悖论, 谷堆悖论, 汤姆森灯悖论, 意外绞刑悖论, 齐曼悖论, 芝诺悖论

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Ball, W. W. R. and Coxeter, H. S. M. Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 13th ed. New York: Dover, pp. 84-86, 1987.Bunch, B. Mathematical Fallacies and Paradoxes. New York: Dover, 1982.Carnap, R. Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications. New York: Dover, 1958.Church, A. "Paradoxes, Logical." In The Dictionary of Philosophy, rev. enl. ed. (Ed. D. D. Runes). New York: Rowman and Littlefield, p. 224, 1984.Curry, H. B. Foundations of Mathematical Logic. New York: Dover, 1977.Czyz, J. Paradoxes of Measures and Dimensions Originating in Felix Hausdorff's Ideas. Singapore: World Scientific, 1994.Erickson, G. W. and Fossa, J. A. Dictionary of Paradox. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998.Kasner, E. and Newman, J. R. "Paradox Lost and Paradox Regained." In Mathematics and the Imagination. Redmond, WA: Tempus Books, pp. 193-222, 1989.Northrop, E. P. Riddles in Mathematics: A Book of Paradoxes. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1944.O'Beirne, T. H. Puzzles and Paradoxes. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965.Quine, W. V. "Paradox." Sci. Amer. 206, 84-96, Apr. 1962.Székely, G. J. Paradoxes in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, rev. ed. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel, 1986.

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Weisstein, Eric W. “悖论。” 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/Paradox.html
