

算额问题,常写作 "san gaku",是在日本与西方分裂的两个世纪期间(Fukagawa 和 Pedoe 1989),悬挂在神社或寺庙屋顶下的祈愿数学木制匾额("sangaku")上发现的几何问题类型。在与世隔绝的时期,日本数学家发展了他们自己的“传统数学”,在 19 世纪 50 年代,这种数学开始让位于西方方法。数学书写的文字也发生了变化,因此,现在几乎没有人知道如何解读这些历史悠久的匾额 (Kimberling)。

在算额中代表的日本数学家包括关孝和 (1642-1708)、 Ajima Chokuen (也称为 Naonobu;1732-1798)和 Shoto Kenmotu (1790-1871)。

算额问题通常涉及相互相切圆相切球,具体示例包括 Ajima-Malfatti 点日本定理Kenmotu 点的性质。


Ajima-Malfatti 点, Casey 定理, 圆内接, 圆柱-球体相交, Descartes 圆定理, 椭圆切线, Hexlet, 日本定理, Kenmotu 点, 直角三角形, 相切圆, 相切球

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Bogomolny, A. "Sangaku: Reflections on the Phenomenon." http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/Sangaku.shtml.Fukagawa, H. and Pedoe, D. Japanese Temple Geometry Problems. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Charles Babbage Research Foundation, 1989.Fukagawa, H. and Rigby, J. F. Traditional Japanese Mathematics Problems from the 18th and 19th Centuries. Singapore: Science Culture Technology Press, 2002.Hidetoshi, F. and Rothman, T. Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008.Huvent, G. Sangaku: Le mystère des énigmes géométriques japonaises. Dunod, 2008.Kimberling, C. "Review: Traditional Japanese Mathematics Problems from the 18th and 19th Centuries and Japanese Temple Geometry Problems.Kotera, H. "Japanese Temple Geometry Problem: Sangaku." http://www.wasan.jp/english/.Mikami, Y. The Development of Mathematics in China and Japan, 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea, 1974.Rothman, T. "Japanese Temple Geometry." Sci. Amer. 278, 85-91, May 1998.Rothman, T. "Japanese Temple Geometry." http://www2.gol.com/users/coynerhm/0598rothman.html.Ruttkay, S. "Sangaku--Wiskunde als Kunst." http://www.arsetmathesis.nl/sangatekst.htm.Smith, D. E. and Mikami, Y. A History of Japanese Mathematics. Chicago: Open Court, 1914.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Sangaku Problem." 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram 网络资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/SangakuProblem.html
