开普勒方程给出了天体(如行星)的极坐标与从给定初始点起经过的时间之间的关系。开普勒方程在天体力学中具有 фундаментальное 重要性,但不能用简单函数直接反解,以确定行星在给定时间的位置。
设 为平近点角(时间的参数化), 为在椭圆上以离心率 运行的物体的偏近点角(极角的参数化),则
对于不是 的倍数的 ,开普勒方程具有唯一的解,但它是超越方程,因此不能直接反解并求解 以获得任意给定的 。然而,由于其在天体力学中的重要性,已经推导出了许多用于求解该方程的算法。
将 写成 的幂级数,得到
(Wintner 1941, Moulton 1970, Henrici 1974, Finch 2003)。令人惊讶的是,这个级数对于
(OEIS A033259)发散,这个值被称为拉普拉斯极限。事实上, 作为几何级数收敛,其比率为
(Finch 2003)。
该级数对于所有 收敛,就像几何级数一样,其比率为
该方程也可以通过令 为行星运动方向与矢径垂直方向之间的角来求解。然后
或者,我们可以用中间变量 来定义
其中 工作良好,牛顿法也是如此,
在 Wolfram|Alpha 中探索
Belur, S. V. "Solution of Kepler's Equation by Newton-Raphson Method." http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2902/kepler.htm.Colwell, P. Solving Kepler's Equation over Three Centuries. Richmond, VA: Willmann-Bell, 1993.Danby, J. M. Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics, 2nd ed., rev. ed. Richmond, VA: Willmann-Bell, 1988.Dörrie, H. "The Kepler Equation." §81 in 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics: Their History and Solutions. New York: Dover, pp. 330-334, 1965.Finch, S. R. "Laplace Limit Constant." §4.8 in Mathematical Constants. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 266-268, 2003.Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 101-102 and 123-124, 1980.Goursat, E. A Course in Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 2: Functions of a Complex Variable & Differential Equations. New York: Dover, p. 120, 1959.Henrici, P. Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Vol. 1: Power Series-Integration-Conformal Mapping-Location of Zeros. New York: Wiley, 1974.Ioakimids, N. I. and Papadakis, K. E. "A New Simple Method for the Analytical Solution of Kepler's Equation." Celest. Mech. 35, 305-316, 1985.Ioakimids, N. I. and Papadakis, K. E. "A New Class of Quite Elementary Closed-Form Integrals Formulae for Roots of Nonlinear Systems." Appl. Math. Comput. 29, 185-196, 1989.Le Lionnais, F. Les nombres remarquables. Paris: Hermann, p. 36, 1983.Marion, J. B. and Thornton, S. T. "Kepler's Equations." §7.8 in Classical Dynamics of Particles & Systems, 3rd ed. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp. 261-266, 1988.Moulton, F. R. An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics, 2nd rev. ed. New York: Dover, pp. 159-169, 1970.Montenbruck, O. and Pfleger, T. "Mathematical Treatment of Kepler's Equation." §4.3 in Astronomy on the Personal Computer, 4th ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 62-63 and 65-68, 2000.Plummer, H. An Introductory Treatise of Dynamical Astronomy. New York: Dover, 1960.Siewert, C. E. and Burniston, E. E. "An Exact Analytical Solution of Kepler's Equation." Celest. Mech. 6, 294-304, 1972.Sloane, N. J. A. Sequences A033259 and A085984 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."Watson, G. N. A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1966.Wintner, A. The Analytic Foundations of Celestial Mechanics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1941.在 Wolfram|Alpha 中被引用
Weisstein, Eric W. "开普勒方程。" 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/KeplersEquation.html