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Alperin, R. C. "A Mathematical Theory of Origami Constructions and Numbers." New York J. Math. 6, 119-133, 2000.Andersen, E. M. "paperfolding.com." http://www.paperfolding.com/.Andersen, E. M. "Origami and Math." http://www.paperfolding.com/math/.Biddle, S. and Biddle, M. The New Origami. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993.Brill, D. Brilliant Origami: A Collection of Original Designs. Tokyo: Japan Pub., 1996.Cerceda, A. and Palacios, V. Fascinating Origami: 101 Models by Adolfo Cerceda. New York: Dover, 1997.Demaine, E. D.; Demaine, M. L.; and Lubiw, A. "Folding and Cutting Paper." In Proc. Japan Conf. Discrete Comput. Geom. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998.Demaine, E. D.; Demaine, M. L.; and Lubiw, A. "Folding and One Straight Cut Suffice." In Proc. 10th Ann. ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Alg. (SODA'99). Baltimore, MD, pp. 891-892, Jan. 1999.Demaine, E. D.; Demaine, M. L.; and Mitchell, J. S. B. "Folding Flat Silhouettes and Wrapping Polyhedral Packages: New Results in Computation Origami." In Proc. 15th Ann. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom. Miami Beach, FL, pp. 105-114, June 1999.Eppstein, D. "Origami." http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/origami.html.Fusè, T. Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations. Tokyo: Japan Pub., 1990.Geretschläger, R. "Euclidean Constructions and the Geometry of Origami." Math. Mag. 68, 357-371, 1995.Gurkewitz, R. "Rona's Modular Origami Polyhedra Page." http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/~gurkewitz/homepage.html.Gurkewitz, R. and Arnstein, B. 3-D Geometric Origami: Modular Polyhedra. New York: Dover, 1995.Gurkewitz, R. and Arnstein, B. Multimodular Origami Polyhedra: Archimedeans, Buckyballs, and Duality. Mineola, New York: Dover, 2003.Harbin, R. Origami Step-By-Step. New York: Dover, 1998.Harbin, R. Secrets of Origami: The Japanese Art of Paper Folding. New York: Dover, 1997.Hull, T. "Origami and Geometric Construction: A Comparison between Straight Edge [sic] and Compas Constructions and Origami." http://www.merrimack.edu/~thull/omfiles/geoconst.html.Huzita, H. "Understanding Geometry through Origami Axioms." In COET91: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Origami in Education and Therapy (Ed. J. Smith). British Origami Society, pp. 37-70, 1992.Kasahara, K. Origami Omnibus: Paper-Folding for Everyone. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1988.Kasahara, K. and Takahama, T. Origami for the Connoisseur. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1987.Kosmulski, M. "Modulus Origami--Fractals, IFS." http://hektor.umcs.lublin.pl/~mikosmul/origami/fractals.html.Lang, R. "Huzita-Hatori Axioms." http://www.langorigami.com/science/hha/hha.php4.Lang, R. "Robert J. Lang Origami." http://www.langorigami.com/.Montroll, J. Origami Inside-Out. New York: Dover, 1993.Montroll, J. Origami Sculptures, 2nd ed. Antroll Pub., 1991.Montroll, J. A Plethora of Polyhedra in Origami New York: Dover, 2002.O'Rourke, J. "Computational Geometry Column 36." SIGACT News 30, 35-38, Sep. 1999.Palacios, V. Fascinating Origami: 101 Models by Alfredo Cerceda. New York: Dover, 1997.Pappas, T. "Mathematics & Paperfolding." The Joy of Mathematics. San Carlos, CA: Wide World Publ./Tetra, pp. 48-50, 1989.Plank, J. "Jim Plank's Origami Page (Modular)." http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/pics/origami/origami.html.Row, T. S. Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding. New York: Dover, 1966.Sakoda, J. M. Modern Origami. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.Simon, L.; Arnstein, B.; and Gurkewitz, R. Modular Origami Polyhedra. New York: Dover, 1999.Takahama, T. The Complete Origami Collection. Japan Pub., 1997.Tomoko, F. Unit Origami. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1990.Wertheim, M. "Origami as the Shape of Things to Come." The New Your Times, Section F, Column 1, p. 1. Feb. 15, 2005.Wu, J. "Joseph Wu's Origami Page." http://www.origami.vancouver.bc.ca/. Zamiatina, L. "Computer Simulations of Origami." http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/Articles/1786/.在 Wolfram|Alpha 中被引用
Weisstein, Eric W. "Origami." 来自 MathWorld-- Wolfram 网络资源. https://mathworld.net.cn/Origami.html