上述线图被称为阿帕奇门 (Apache door) (Jayne 1975, pp. 12-15, Fig. 21) 或帐篷 flap (tent flap) (Ball 1971, p. 5, Fig. 2)。
上述图示的线图被称为“雅各的天梯 (Jacob's ladder)”,奥塞奇钻石 (Osage diamonds) (Jayne 1975, pp. 24-27, Fig. 50),渔网或四重钻石 (quadruple diamonds) (Ball 1971, p. 19, Fig. 7)。
线图属于世界各地许多民族的古老传统,甚至在原始文化中也存在,如今被认为是数学教育中的一种娱乐活动。在英语国家,它们也被称为儿童游戏“猫的摇篮 (cat's cradle)”。
此条目由 Margherita Barile 贡献
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Amir-Moéz, A. R. and Hamilton, J. D. "Art and Mathematics of String Figures." J. Recr. Math. 7, 23-34, 1974.Amir-Moéz, A. R. String Figures: A Symbolic Approach. Lubbock, TX: Western Printing Company, 1979.Ball, W. W. R. Ch. 16 in Mathematical Recreations and Essays, 5th ed. London: Macmillan, pp. 348-379, 1911. [The original Ch. 16 was removed in subsequent editions, and reprinted as a separate work by Ball (1928) and a collection of essays Ball et al. (1980).]Ball, W. W. R. Fun with String Figures. New York: Dover, 1971.Ball, W. W. R.; Petersen, J.; Carslaw, H. S.; and Cajori, F. String Figures and Other Monographs. New York: Chelsea, 1960.Gibbs, W. and Sihlabela, M. "String Figures." Math. in School 25,24-27, 1996.International String Figure Association. http://www.isfa.org/isfa.htm.Jayne, C. F. String Figures and How to Make Them: A Study of Cat's-Cradle in Many Lands. New York: Dover, 1975.Lee, E. "WWW Collection of Favorite String Figures." http://alysion.org/string.htm.Probert, M. "String Figures, Mathematics, Origin." http://website.lineone.net/~m.p/sf/menu.html.Scharringhausen, B. "String Figures." http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/~brs/strfigs/.在 Wolfram|Alpha 上引用
Barile, Margherita. “线图。” 来自 MathWorld——Wolfram 网络资源,由 Eric W. Weisstein 创建。 https://mathworld.net.cn/StringFigure.html