

蔡廷常数,也称为蔡廷 Omega 数,由蔡廷 (1975) 引入,是通用前缀码(自限定)图灵机的停机概率。每个蔡廷常数同时是可计算可枚举的(有理数的可计算、递增、收敛序列的极限),并且是算法随机的(其二进制展开是算法随机序列),因此是不可计算的 (Chaitin 1975)。


 Omega_U=sum_(p halts)2^(-|p|)

这给出了对于任何指令集,特定的前缀码通用图灵机将停机的概率,其中 |p| 是程序 p 的比特大小。

蔡廷常数的值高度依赖于机器。在某些情况下,甚至可以证明无法计算单个比特 (Solovay 2000)。

蔡廷常数 Omega_U 可能是不可计算数字最明显的具体例子。它们也被认为是超越数

Calude 等人 (2002) 计算了某个通用图灵机的蔡廷常数 Omega_U 的前 64 位,结果为


(OEIS A079365A100264)。

Medallion presented to Gregory Chaitin for his 60th birthday by Stephen Wolfram

Calude 和 Dinneen (2007) 随后计算了另一个前缀码图灵机的前 43 位和 40 位,该图灵机在使用基数为 16 和 2 的数据时分别是通用的,结果为


二进制结果被刻在 Stephen Wolfram 为 Gregory Chaitin 60 岁生日赠送的奖章上,如上图所示。


可计算数, 停机问题, 图灵机, 通用图灵机

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Borwein, J. and Bailey, D. Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, p. 145, 2003.Calude, C. S.; Dinneen, M. J.; and Shu, C.-K. "Computing a Glimpse of Randomness." Exper. Math. 11, 361-370, 2002.Calude, C. S. and Dinneen, M. J. "Exact Approximations of Omega Numbers." Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 17, 1937-1954, 2007.Chaitin, G. J. "A Theory of Program Size Formally Identical to Information Theory." J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 22, 329-340, 1975.Chaitin, G. J. "How Much Information Can There be in a Real Number?" Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 17, 1933-1935, 2007.Chaitin, G. Meta Math!:The Quest for Omega. New York: Pantheon Books, 2005.Finch, S. R. "Chaitin's Constant." §1.11 in Mathematical Constants. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 81-83, 2003.Gardner, M. "The Random Number Omega Bids Fair to Hold the Mysteries of the Universe." Sci. Amer. 241, 20-34, Nov. 1979.Gardner, M. "Chaitin's Omega." Ch. 21 in Fractal Music, Hypercards, and More Mathematical Recreations from Scientific American Magazine. New York: W. H. Freeman, pp. 307-319, 1992.Kobayashi, K. "Sigma(N)O-Complete Properties of Programs and Lartin-Lof Randomness." Information Proc. Let. 46, 37-42, 1993.Sloane, N. J. A. Sequences A079365 and A100264 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."Solovay, R. M. "A Version of Omega for Which ZFC Cannot Predict a Single Bit." In Finite Versus Infinite. Contributions to an Eternal Dilemma (Ed. C. Calude and G. Păun). London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 323-334, 2000.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "蔡廷常数。" 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/ChaitinsConstant.html
