

三角形ABC 为三角形,点D 为边 BC边 上的点。设 点I内心点P 为与外接圆以及线段 线段AD线段BD 相切的圆的圆心,点Q 为与外接圆以及线段 线段AD线段CD 相切的圆的圆心。那么泰博定理指出 点P, 点Q点I 共线。

该问题由泰博 (Thébault) (1938) 提出,并且显然在 20 世纪 70 年代之前一直未被解决。因此,当 Ayme (2003) 发现实际上该问题早已被 Sawayama (1905) 知晓并解决时,这令人感到惊讶。

此条目由 Floor van Lamoen 贡献

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Ayme, J.-L. "Sawayama and Thébault's Theorem." Forum Geom. 3, 225-229, 2003. http://forumgeom.fau.edu/FG2003volume3/FG200325.pdf.Demir, H. and Tezer, C. "Reflections on a Problem of V. Thébault." Geom. Dedicata 39, 79-92, 1991.Dijkstra-Kluyver, B. C. "Twee oude vraagstukken in een klap opgelost." Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 61, 134-135, 1973-1974.Dijkstra-Kluyver, B. C. and Streefkerk, H. "Nogmaals het vraagstuk van Thébault." Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 61, 172-173, 1973-1974.Dutta, S. "Thébault's Problem via Euclidean Geometry." Samayā 7, 2-7, 2001.English, B. J. "Solution of Problem 3887." Amer. Math. Monthly 110, 156-158, 2003.Gueron, S. "Two Applications of the Generalized Ptolemy Theorem." Amer. Math. Monthly 109, 362-370, 2002.Reyes, W. "An Application of Thébault's Theorem." Forum Geom. 2, 183-185, 2002. http://forumgeom.fau.edu/FG2002volume2/FG200223index.html.Rigby, J. F. "Tritangent Centres, Pascal's Theorem and Thébault's Problem." J. Geom. 54, 134-147, 1995.Sawayama, Y. "A New Geometrical Proposition." Amer. Math. Monthly 12, 222-224, 1905.Shail, R. "A Proof of Thébault's Theorem." Amer. Math. Monthly 108, 319-325, 2001.Stark, R. "Eine weitere Lösung der Thébault'schen Aufgabe." Elem. Math. 44, 130-133, 1989.Streefkerk, H. "Waarom eenvoudig als het ook ingewikkeld kan?" Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 60, 240-253, 1972-1973.Taylor, K. B. "Solution of Problem 3887." Amer. Math. Monthly 90, 482-487, 1983.Thébault, V. "Problem 3887. Three Circles with Collinear Centers." Amer. Math. Monthly 445, 482-283, 1938.Turnwald, G. "Über eine Vermutung von Thébault." Elem. Math. 41, 11-13 ,1986.Veldkamp, G. R. "Een vraagstuk van Thébault uit 1938." Nieuw Tijdschr. Wisk. 61, 86-89, 1973-1974.Veldkamp, G. R. "Solution to Problem 1260." Crux Math. 15, 51-53, 1989.

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van Lamoen, Floor. “泰博定理。” 来自 MathWorld——Wolfram Web Resource,由 Eric W. Weisstein 创建。 https://mathworld.net.cn/ThebaultsTheorem.html
