

Rabbit-duck illusion

兔鸭错觉是一种模棱两可的图形,大脑会在看到兔子和鸭子之间切换。鸭兔图“最初由”美国心理学家约瑟夫·贾斯特罗(Joseph Jastrow)指出(Jastrow 1899, p. 312; 1900; 另见 Brugger and Brugger 1993)。贾斯特罗使用该图形,以及诸如 内克尔立方体施罗德阶梯 等图形,来指出知觉不仅仅是刺激的产物,也是心理活动的产物 (Kihlstrom 2002)。

贾斯特罗的卡通是基于最初发表在哈珀周刊Harper's Weekly)(1892 年 11 月 19 日,p. 1114)上的一幅,而该幅卡通又是基于早期刊登在德国幽默杂志 Fliegende Blätter(1892 年 10 月 23 日,p. 147)上的一幅插图。

有趣的是,在复活节星期天接受测试的儿童更可能将该图形视为兔子,而在十月份的星期天接受测试时,他们往往将其视为鸭子(Brugger and Brugger 1993, Kihlstrom 2002)。Brugger 和 Brugger (1993) 提供了鸭兔变体的综合目录,以及关于它们可逆性难易程度的数据。

这种错觉是儿童读物 Duck! Rabbit! (Rosenthal 和 Lichtenheld 2009)背后的灵感。



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Brugger, P. and Brugger, S. "The Easter Bunny in October: Is It Disguised as a Duck?" Perceptual Motor Skills 76, 577-578, 1993.Fliegende Blätter. October 23, 1892, p. 147.Gombrich, E. H. Art and Illusion. New York: Pantheon, p. 5, 1960.Jastrow, J. "Minor Contributions. Studies from the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology of the University of Wisconsin." Amer. J. Psych. 3, 43-58. 1890.Jastrow, J. "The Mind's Eye." Popular Sci. Monthly 54, 299-312, 1899.Jastrow, J. Fact and Fable in Psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1900.Jastrow, J. The Subconscious. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1906.Jastrow, J. "The Administrative Peril in Education." Popular Sci. Monthly 81, 495-515, 1912.Jastrow, J. "Conflict of Psychologies." Sci. Monthly 29, 411-416, 1929.Jastrow, J. "Joseph Jastrow." In A History of Psychology in Autobiography (Ed. C. Murchison). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press, pp. 135-162, 1930a.Jastrow, J. Keeping Mentally Fit: A Guide to Everyday Psychology. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing, 1930b.Jastrow, J. Piloting Your Life; the Psychologist as Helmsman. New York: Greenberg, 1930c.Jastrow, J. "Has Psychology Failed?" Amer. Scholar 4, 261-269, 1935.Kid's World. "Optical Illusions--2." http://www.frontiernet.net/~docbob/ilusion2.htm.Kihlstrom, J. F. "Letter to the Editor." Trends Cognitive Sci. 6, 502, 2002.Malach, R.; Levy, I.; and Hasson, U. "The Topography of High-Order Human Object Areas." Trends Cogn. Sci. 6, 178-184, 2002.Peterson, M. A.; Kihlstrom, J. F.; Rose, P. M.; and Glisky, M. L. "Mental Images Can be Ambiguous: Reconstruals and Reference-Frame Reversals." Memory and Cogn. 20, 107-123, 1992.Popplestone, J. A. M. An Illustrated History of American Psychology, 2nd ed. Akron, OH: University of Akron Press, 1994."Rabbit and Duck." Harper's Weekly 36, No. 1874, p. 1114, Nov. 19, 1892.Rosenthal, A. K. and Lichtenheld, T. Duck! Rabbit! New York: Chronicle Books, 2009.Scheidemann, N. V. Experiments in General Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 67, 1939.Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Investigations. Oxford, England: Blackwell, pp. 165-166, 1953/1958.

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韦斯坦因,埃里克·W. “兔鸭错觉”。来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/Rabbit-DuckIllusion.html
