
Berlekamp-Massey 算法

如果一个序列只取少量不同的值,那么通过将这些值视为有限域的元素,Berlekamp-Massey 算法是一种有效的程序,用于从该域中找到生成该序列的最短线性递推关系。


Reeds-Sloane 算法

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Berlekamp, E. R. Ch. 7 in 算法编码理论。 New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.Berlekamp, E. R.; Fredricksen, H. M.; and Proto, R. C. "Minimum Conditions for Uniquely Determining the Generator of a Linear Sequence." Util. Math. 5, 305-315, 1974.Brent, R. P.; Gustavson, F. G.; and Yun, D. Y. Y. "Fast Solution of Toeplitz Systems of Equations and Computation of Padé Approximants." J. Algorithms 1, 259-295, 1980.Dickinson, B. W.; Morf, M.; and Kailath, T. "A Minimal Realization Algorithm for Matrix Sequences." IEEE Trans. Automatic Control 19, 31-38, 1974.Gustavson, F. G. "Analysis of the Berlekamp-Massey Linear Feedback Shift-Register Synthesis Algorithm." IBM J. Res. Dev. 20, 204-212, 1976.MacWilliams, F. J. and Sloane, N. J. A. Ch. 9 in 纠错码理论。 New York: Elsevier, 1978.Massey, J. L. "Shift-Register Synthesis and BCH Decoding." IEEE Trans. Information Th. 15, 122-127, 1969.McEliece, R. J. 信息编码理论。 Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1977.Mills, W. H. "Continued Fractions and Linear Recurrences." Math. Comput. 29, 173-180, 1975.Sloane, N. J. A. and Plouffe, S. 整数序列百科全书。 San Diego, CA: Academic Press, pp. 25-26, 1995.

在 Wolfram|Alpha 中被引用

Berlekamp-Massey 算法


Weisstein, Eric W. "Berlekamp-Massey 算法。" 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/Berlekamp-MasseyAlgorithm.html
