1997 年电影《心灵捕手》中的第二个黑板问题是求解所有 10 个节点上的串联简化树(在电影中也被称为“同胚不可约树”)。在此,“串联简化”意味着没有度为 2 的顶点,因此可以通过合并顶点处的两条相邻边来获得拓扑等效的结构(即,没有节点仅允许单条边“通过”)。 正好有 10 棵这样的树,如上图所示(尽管电影中角色威尔只画了其中八棵)。
串联简化树, 树使用 Wolfram|Alpha 探索
Horváth, G.; Korándi, J.; and Szabò, C. "Mathematics in Good Will Hunting II: Problems from the Students Perspective." Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 11, No. 1, 3-19, 2013.Koraándi, J. and Pluhàr, G. "Mathematics and Good Will Hunting I." Teach. Math. Comput. Sci. 10, No. 2, 375-388, 2012.StackExchange: Mathematica & Wolfram Language. "List All Homeomorphically Distinct Irreducible Connected Acyclic Graphs of Size 10 ('Good Will Hunting' Problem)." Mar. 25-26, 2022. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/265641/list-all-homeomorphically-distinct-irreducible-connected-acyclic-graphs-of-size.Veisdal, J. "The Math Problems from Good Will Hunting, w/ Solutions." Jul. 31, 2019. https://www.cantorsparadise.com/the-math-problems-from-good-will-hunting-w-solutions-b081895bf379.请引用为
Weisstein, Eric W. “心灵捕手难题。” 来自 MathWorld--Wolfram Web 资源。 https://mathworld.net.cn/GoodWillHuntingProblems.html